Women of the ELCA
WELCA purpose statement:
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
Cultivate Life-Giving Relationships Rooted in God’s Love
Forgiveness and the promise of a new year. Among the many resolutions and goals we set as a new year begins, the one goal that stands out as personally and spiritually transformative is forgiveness. A pastor reflects on the practice of forgiveness—of others and ourselves—and its effects on our spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
Scripture teaches us that we are saved by grace through faith. A pastor shares her struggles as a newcomer to the Lutheran faith and often feels as if she isn't meeting the right expectations. Have you ever felt that way at church?
Do you take time out of your busy schedule to rest? The Rev. Ralen M. Robinson cautions us in this month's stewardship devotion about keeping our schedules too packed. She writes, "You are called to take time and rest. Even in the scripture, Jesus retreated from the crowds and disciples to go off and rest.
This is a publication for Women of the ELCA that includes monthly articles, faith reflections, online social gatherings and a podcast.
Upcoming Events
Download this welcome flyer and print as many copies as you need to introduce future participants to Women of the ELCA. Use it as a quick guide to find our web address and contact information.
Descargue este folleto de bienvenida e imprima tantas copias como necesite para dar a conocer nuestra organización a futuras participantes de mujeres de la ELCA. Utilícelo como una guía breve para contactarnos.
Crosswinds Synod Newsletter
The mission of Crosswinds is to communicate and educate.
Subscription of printed Crosswinds are available for $5.00 per year.
Checks payable to La Crosse Area Synod WELCA and sent to Jodi Anderson, Treasurer, W2875 Anderson Road, Mindoro, WI 54644.
Want to contribute?
Submissions are due: 05/15/2025, 08/15/2025
La Crosse Area Synod WELCA Leaders
Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide 2024
LWR Quilts and Kits are highly regarded throughout the world because of their quality and consistency. Your careful adherence to the instructions in this guide will ensure that all LWR Quilts and Kits are:
USEFUL. We work closely with our overseas partners to determine the best contents to include in kits. Your kits will do the most good possible when they contain only the items listed in these guidelines.
CONSISTENT. Keeping quilt sizes and kit contents consistent helps our partners plan properly for distributing a shipment, and keeps international shipping processes cost-effective and efficient. Kits with missing or extra items must be disassembled and repacked at the warehouse, causing costly delays.
FAIR. When all kits contain the same items, recipients are treated equally and fairly, which is important for those who have already experienced a great deal of injustice or tragedy.
Leyla's Story
Until Your Love Reaches Every Neighbor
Telling Stories of Impact
Your congregation’s love continues to change lives.
These videos are short enough to share in worship or on social media yet long enough to tell a powerful story about the transformative difference your compassion makes around the world.
Your quilts and kits bring warmth and comfort to our neighbors in TÜRKIYE.
Your support of LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF carries hope to a hurting world.
Your Faith on the Frontlines
Your compassion brings health care to the front lines of emergencies like the war in UKRAINE.
No Matter How Far
Your kindness is sharing God’s love with the hardest-to-reach in PERU.